
Minggu, 28 April 2013


Brain Development
Brain Growth
The brain grows at an amazing rate during development. At times during brain development, 250,000 neurons are added every minute! At birth, almost all the neurons that the brain will ever have are present. However, the brain continues to grow for a few years after birth. By the age of 2 years old, the brain is about 80% of the adult size.
You may wonder,

"How does the brain continue to grow, if the brain has most of the neurons it will get when you are born?”

The answer is in glial cells. Glia continues to divide and multiply. Glia carries out many important functions for normal brain function including insulating nerve cells with myelin. The neurons in the brain also make many new connections after birth.
The first three years of life are a period of incredible growth in all areas of a baby's development. A newborn's brain is about 25 percent of its approximate adult weight. But by age 3, it has grown dramatically by producing billions of cells and hundreds of trillions of connections, or synapses, between these cells. While we know that the development of a young child's brain takes years to complete, we also know there are many things parents and caregivers can do to help children get off to a good start and establish healthy patterns for life-long learning
Brain Development before Birth

At conception the sperm and egg meet to form a single cell determining the genetic potential. About 60% of the genes are dedicated to brain development.

Three to four weeks after conception a thin layer of cells forms on the embryo. The cells fold and fuse to form a liquid filled tube. This is the basis of the brain and spinal cord. The embryo then starts to produce nerve cells or neurons. In the first month following conception the cells in the neural tube start to multiply at an astonishing rate, reaching a maximum of 250,000 neurons a minute. Most of the brain’s lifetime’s supply of cells is produced by six months.
At 14 weeks very few of the brain cells are sparked to perform a function. The majority begin to migrate to form different areas of the brain. Most cells arrive at the correct site at the right time. Those which are damaged or go astray tend to die.1
“In very rare situations some do reach the wrong location and form the wrong connections with the result later seen in eventual disorders such as severe infantile epilepsy, autism, some forms of intellectual delay and vulnerability to develop schizophrenia.” 

The brain produces many more cells than it will need. By the time the fetus is twenty weeks old, about half of these cells are deliberately shed.The remaining cells are organized into forty different physical areas that will broadly govern senses and skills such as vision, language and muscle movement.
Beyond the Age of Three – Practice makes Permanent
Repeated experiences causes the connections to become well worn pathways, permanently etched into the brain. Infrequent experiences result in the loss of developing pathways.

As the brain structure develops, the child will begin to reach the milestones associated with child development, such as grabbing an object, learning to speak, crawling and walking.
It is the combination of these neurons, synapses and pathways that will combine to form the unique structure and chemical composition of every individual’s brain.
Stages of Brain Development
The brain does not develop at an even pace. It tends to develop in waves with different parts of the brain developing at different times. This development takes place, however, in a predictable sequence.

Neuroscientists have shown that the brain is affected by environmental conditions throughout the entire process of development, even prior to birth. This includes the type of nourishment, care surroundings and stimulation the fetus or infant receives.
Brain Development in the Infant

By birth the brain has developed the total 100 billion brain cells, or ‘neurons’, it possesses. However the brain is a work in progress. Most of the neurons are still immature. The cells need to be activated and the connections between neurons are weak or have not yet been formed.

At birth the infant can see, hear, smell and respond to touch, but only dimly. Almost immediately after birth the newborn’s brain begins to form trillions of connections and pathways between the neurons. These connections and pathways are vital as they enable the infant to see, hear, smell, learn and reason in a more developed way.

Although genes begin the process of brain development, it is the experiences of the child that now start to take over this process. These experiences trigger the electrical activity necessary to enable the brain to develop connections and grow.
These connections are called synapses. The connections are formed by each neuron putting out a long tentacle like fiber called an axon. The neuron uses the axon to send messages to other neurons. The messages are sent as electrical signals and picked up by thousands of short, hair like fibers could dendrites.
Each neuron is able to connect up with thousands of other neurons.


Gambaran Umum Layanan

Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Analysis is a fingerprint based analysis to identify an individual's innate (Born talent). In this analysis a person's Fingerprints (all 10 fingers) is scientifically analyzed to generate a ONCE in a LIFE TIME 16 page report. This report would contain the following details:
  1. Born character / behaviour of an individual
  2. Individuals learning style (Which is the most effective process to be adopted to acquire information)
  3. Individuals thinking style
  4. Left brain & right brain dominance
  5. DISC Profile analysis (Helps an individual position himself in a specific role or slot in an organization)
  6. Mind Map (Multiple Intelligence Analysis) - This gives a details for an individual about the specific strengths which he possesses in each of the Multiple Intelligence Areas.
  7. Details on suggested careers.
This analysis is recommended for the following age groups:
  1. 0 to 3 years - To identify the "Potential of your child"
  2. 4 to 12 years - To identify the "Individualized teaching style"
  3. 12 to 18 years - To identify the "Appropriate Career"
  4. 18 years to Adults - To identify the "Appropriate role or position in an organization or business"
  5. For families - To improve relationships or overcome relationship challanges

Contact for more information :

BB PIN = 234126AB

  • Analysis based on Fingerprints - No errors
  • Scientific process - High levels of accuracy
  • Once in a life time analysis - Low investment
  • Only "Time Investment" consultants

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History of Dermatoglyphics ( MEDICAL STUDY CASE )


Dermatoglyphics is the study of the pattern on fingers and hands. These patterns are unique and are heavily linked with one’s genetic composition and are closely related to our nervous system. In the other words, Dermatoglyphics can reveal our intrinsic qualities and talents.
Since 1920s, Dermatoglyphics has been studied in the medical field, especially in relation to genetically-linked diseases. The study has absolute scientific basis, with 200 years of research. It is analyzed and proven with evidence in anthropology, genetics, medicine and statistics.

Dermatoglyphic Medical Study:

Ancient China Thumb prints were found on clay seals 
1684 Dr. Nehemiah Grew (1641-1712) presented Finger Prints, Palms and Soles An Introduction To Dermatoglyphics to the Royal Society 
1685 Dr.Bidloo published an anatomical atlas, Anatomia Humani Corporis, with illustrations showing the human figure both in living attitudes and as dissected cadavers 
1686 Dr. Marcello Malphigi (1628-1694) noted in his treatise; ridges, spirals and loops in fingerprints 
1788 J.C.Mayer was the first to write out basic tenets of fingerprint analysis and theorised that fingerprints were unique 
1823 Dr. Jan Purkinje classified the papillary lines on the fingertips into nine types: arch, tented arch, ulna loop, radial loop, peacock’s eye/compound, spiral whorl, elliptical whorl, circular whorl, and double loop/composite. 
1823 Joannes Evangelista Purkinji found that the patterns on one’s finger tips and the ridges and lines on one’s prints begin to form at around the thirteenth week in the womb. 
1832 Dr. Charles Bell (1774-1842) was one of the first physicians to combine the scientific study of neuroanatomy with clinical practice. He published The Hand: Its Mechanism and Vital Endowments as Evincing Design.
1893 Dr. Francis Galton published his book, “Fingerprints”, establishing the individuality and permanence offingerprints. The book included the first classification system for fingerprints: Arch, Loop, and Whorl.
1897 Harris Hawthorne Wilder was the first American to study dermatoglyphics.
He invented the Main Line Index, studied thenar hypothenar eminencies, zones II, III, IV. 
1926 Dr. Harold Cummins & Dr. Charles Midlo coined the term “dermatoglyphics”. They showed that the hand contained significant dermatoglyphic configurations that would assist the identification of mongolism in the new-born child.
1936 Dr. Harold Cummins & Dr. Charles Midlo also researched the embryo-genesis of skin ridge patterns and established that the fingerprint patterns actually develop in the womb and are fully formed by the fourth fetal month. 
1957 Dr.Walker used the dermal configurations in the diagnosis of mongolism 
1969 John J. Mulvihill, MD and David W. Smith, MD published The Genesis of Dermatoglyphics that provides the most up to date version of how fingerprints form.

Types of Fingerprints

  • Simple Arch – Practical, realistic, efficient but conservative
  • Ulnar Loop – Emotional, adapts fast and strong in interaction
  • Concentric Whorl – Independent, competitive, firm (stubborn) and proactive
  • Spiral Whorl – Highly intuitive, goal oriented but can be emotional
  • Composite Whorl – Can be a multi-tasking person and have systematic thinking pattern
  • Variant – Multi-faceted nature of the show, the more volatile
  • Tented Arch – Has the characteristics of impulsive passion, absorb information like sponges
  • Radial Loop – More self-centered, love to reverse operation
  • Impolding Horl – Often easy as one of dual-use, can have increased confidence in goal
  • Peacock’s Eye – With a high degree of understanding ability, literacy, and have unique understanding and ability in arts




Know yourself better with ThumbRule
Every one has his/her own unique way of learning and understanding things around them. Especially, It is a challenging task for parents to have a complete understanding of their children. Sometimes it takes them years to understand the character and inclinations of their child.

In order to bring about a wholesome development in children, ThumbRule has introduced the DMI (Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence) technology, a unique & scientific method developed out of the analysis of fingerprint patterns. From researches and observations on seven million fingerprint samples documented, compiled, and put together with psychological theories, the program can explain any child's character, improve parent-child communication and relationship, and help parents to raise their children more successfully. It helps children switch on the best in them by guiding them in doing what they love to do, actualising their potential, and making them happy children who will grow up to be quality adults.
Need for DMIT Concept in India
Above 12,000 students commit suicides in India due to exam relates stress.
Is our educational system and parenting style going horribly wrong somewhere?
Are we stressing our children too much?
DMIT helps you understand the behavioural characteristics & communication needs of your child...! This goes a long way in reducing stress in children...!


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Telp    : 061-4146673
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BB Pin : 234126AB