
Rabu, 14 November 2012

Benefits of Identifying Multiple Intelligences

Benefits of Identifying Multiple Intelligences
From 0-3 years of age, the emotional bend of the child starts to grow quickly.  Knowing a child’s potential at an early age helps parents in making smart and easy decisions on parenting styles and educational methods. Parents can value their child’s inherent characteristics such as aggressive, rebellious etc. Plus, this will also help them in eliminating the need of ‘trial and error’ situations by identifying and nurturing child’s talents. As an infant moves into toddlerhood, he learns new ways of life which help him to expand his horizons. If he is able to move around freely, he becomes an active explorer. He starts observing his surroundings from various points of views and gains a relatively new kind of sense of himself in the world. He starts developing cognitive skills by leaps and bounds. The child starts to make use of language to make his needs and reactions known to adults and children in new ways. And, along with language comes imagination and to engage in play whether he’s at home or watching a game on television.
There is no fixed timetable for gaining abilities or tackling with different challenges as every child is different and their talents also differ.  Every child grows and adjusts with world taking his own time. Genetic characteristics such as mood, adaptability and stability affects a child’s growth a lot and they learn to control their emotional responses. Some children are curious, some are cautious and some are fearful in some situations. Child’s mood styles are depicted in their approach to new situations. As parents become use to their child’s temperament, they can easily provide them a sense of base to him or her for their better future. This is how Dr. Howard Gardner discovered that multiple intelligence is interrelated to specific regions in the neocortex.
Dermatoglyphics recognizes the occurrence and existence of these multiple intelligences at the early stages of childhood. With the help of such important information, we have a competitive edge in identifying and improving their multiple intelligences.
Some of the important benefits of identifying multiple intelligence:

Self-assessment and Reflection for teaching

  • Scope for more entertaining and varied teaching
  • Skills developed can  be useful in later life
  • Cooperative strategies help individuals identify and develop special aptitudes
  • Individuals can recognize what they can achieve, even if they lack certain types of intelligence
  • Discipline can improve as pupils engage more with classroom work
  • Classroom becomes like a real world

Self-assessment and Reflection

  • Teachers can use a test to provide a profile of their own intelligences
  • Teacher can make use of pupil profiles to study teaching strategies
  • Teachers then can reflect how this profile will influence teaching
  • Pupils can have a different profile for themselves

Curriculum and Assessment

  • Such strategies help children in involving to classroom organization, presentation of materials
  • Strategies can be used to convey curriculum content

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