
Rabu, 14 November 2012


Learning Style
Learning styles are approaches or various ways of learning. Learning styles includes educational methods presumed to help an individual to learn best. Many people prefer a known method of interacting with people or processing stimuli or information. Based on this concept only, idea of individual learning styles originated in the 1970s and gained immense popularity. It is been said that teachers should study the learning styles of their students and get used to their classroom methods to fit each student’s learning style.


Multiple Intelligences learning styles
Motive learners prefer to act on new information with a motive or a goal. They understand new information by doing something combined with a motive or a goal. They mostly try to understand something by either discussing or applying or explaining it to others. They have clear vision and set their own targets.  Active learners like to work in group more than reflective learners. They always look for meaningful resources and are good in goal management. They should be well aware of jumping into things without even thinking about them through. If they will have a clear objective in mind, they can be able to learn properly from kinaesthetic, visual and audio channels.


Multiple Intelligences learning styles
A reflective learner learns like a sponge and can understand things carefully and apply it sensibly with continuous practice. They learn well in situations that help them to follow a set path. Reflective learners learn best when they have someone to teach and remind them. They prefer to give a thought on any new information before acting on it. Good in planning, logical thinking and have a better imagination.  Individuals if have a strong preference towards reflective learning, they should instead of spending a a lot of time on thinking and planning actually get it done.

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